March Wrap-up

There I am again, half dead from term papering but finally alive enough to blog. I hope I don’t have to take a term paper induced hiatus ever again, but who am I kidding – my next deadline is 15 May *sobs* But anyway, I am proud to announce that I managed to read four books off of my March TBR, although it was looking like I might deviate completely since I picked up something entirely different on 01 March *epic fail* But I’m kind of proud that I somewhat stuck to my TBR after all.

Apart from that I was not able to concentrate for very long – side effect of „this term paper is trying to kill me“, unfortunately – and I somehow managed to completely fall back into my old manga obsession… so I read 22 manga… I’d like to say oops.
Here is an overview of my March reading:


Children’s books:




Technically, I plan to write reviews for most of these books but I am not sure how soon that will all happen.

Also, I really enjoyed the #VeryRealisticYA hashtag on twitter this week that John Hansen (@ABoredAuthor) created. It is exactly what it says: how YA would read if it had realistic plots. Definitely check it out, it is hilarious. I think #RealisticYA is also a thing if you are getting into it!

Thank you for reading and stay inky! – Lena

1 thought on “March Wrap-up

  1. Pingback: Lena’s Continent Read-a-thon Asia TBR | Study in Ink

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