Lena’s 2015 Reading Statistics

Me every year: “I could be a blogger.” A few weeks later: “Or not.”

2015 wasn’t the lucky exception. But hey, no shame in creeping back to this blog after about ten months of silence, right? Because I actually do want to look at my reading statistics of 2015 and those are always fun, aren’t they? I don’t want to deprive the internet of my shiny colour blocks. Continue reading

March Wrap-up

There I am again, half dead from term papering but finally alive enough to blog. I hope I don’t have to take a term paper induced hiatus ever again, but who am I kidding – my next deadline is 15 May *sobs* But anyway, I am proud to announce that I managed to read four books off of my March TBR, although it was looking like I might deviate completely since I picked up something entirely different on 01 March *epic fail* But I’m kind of proud that I somewhat stuck to my TBR after all. Continue reading

February Wrap-up

I didn’t read very much this month. I am in this limbo that occurs everytime one procrastinates on important things, so one doesn’t allow oneself to read books but instead surfs the internet the whole day. Yes, that one. Continue reading

Lena’s January Wrap-Up

Unintentionally, my month was a bit dragon themed. I like that.
After having to correct the number of books on my TBR several times, I started my year with 142 unread books on my shelves and kindle – contrary to what I stated in my 2015 Reading Plans on 04 Jan. As of 31 Jan my TBR is: 136 books (yay for so far reading faster than I am buying books xD). Continue reading

Lena’s 2014 Reading Statistics

or “Ha, of course I did not blog for two years after we created this blog“

I always start my year out with the goal (and Goodreads challenge) to read at least 50 books and bump up the book count on Goodreads if and when I surpass it.

So, in 2014 I read a total of 75 books (or what Goodreads counts as such). I will talk about my favourites later, now it is time for some fun and slightly messy statistics. Continue reading