A required reading filled #FridayReads…

Haven’t done one of these in a while although I actually quite like them. It’s Friday and this means: time for reading! In my case, I am swarmed with books for university, although I probably feel like that because I’m having difficulty concentrating at the moment x__x Continue reading

Lena’s FridayReads (16 Jan 2015)

The Roaring Girl and Other City Comedies I will be reading another book for university this weekend – Roaring Girl by Thomas Dekker. This will be my last book for uni (or so I think. The last time I thought so I took another class the following semester. Oups.). Continue reading

Lena’s #FridayReads (09 Jan 2015)

Project: Reduce TBR is in full swing (except I already failed and bought a short story/essay, but I plan to read that next month so shush YOU HEARD NOTHING) Continue reading